Made in Kelantan is a blog of my readings or what I did and who I met through out the day. Even, my personal view about something I like is also included in my blog. Why I Choose 'Kelaantan' : Kelantan is the first place in Malaysia that were conquered by the Japanese attack on December 8, 1941. During the Japanese occupation, Kelantan once again controlled by the Siamese, but after the defeat of Japan in August 1945, Kelantan back to British rule.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Derma Organ
Dalam Islam, seseorang itu di kira mati apabila :
1) Jantung tidak berfungsi 2) Mati otak
Hendaklah kamu menghilangkan penderitaan/ kesakitan dengan bantu-membantu di dunia, ALLAH akan hapuskan kesusahan dia di akhirat kelak
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